A live performance is a great way to show people what you have to offer as an artist and to start building a loyal band fan base. Just consider Freddie Mercury for a moment. While he was undoubtedly a talented artist, what most people remember about him are his performances. Of course, he wasn’t the only one. So, without further ado, let’s see what you can do to step up your game:

Challenge Yourself as a Musician

Most artists practice in the best type of setting for musical performances, and you are probably one of these people. There is a good chance that you consider the space you are playing in to make sure that the acoustics are optimal. While this is certainly helpful, it doesn’t translate to real-life scenarios all that well. When it comes to live shows, you won’t always end up playing in the best conditions. If you are not prepared for such situations, your music will suffer. To prevent this, get used to taking your instrument and playing it in as many unlikely locations as possible. You will then learn how to adapt to whatever is thrown at you.

Have a Stage Persona

This is something a lot of musicians do. After all, most people lead relatively normal lives and need to adapt positively to society. All this needs to change when you head on stage, particularly if you play rock music. You will need to let loose and transform into a different person. This is the best way to get your energy levels up and as a result, get the crowds more energized as well.

Be Confident

Do you suffer from stage fright as a performer? If so, you can take comfort knowing that you aren’t the only one. A lot of people are afraid of getting up in front of a crowd and speaking, let alone performing. This doesn’t mean you have to live with this anxiety, though. There are a lot of positive steps you can take to overcome this fear. These include practicing both your music and performance skills as well as having an optimistic mindset. With time, the act of performing will become a lot less daunting.

Have Fun

Last, but certainly not least, you need to have fun with your performance. Being able to sing or play music to a crowd is one of the greatest things you will ever experience. So, enjoy it while you can. Also, the audience is going to rely on you to set the tone for the concert. Therefore, if you have a great time up there, your audience will have just as much fun as you.

Becoming a great performer may take time and perhaps a lot of practice. Still, if you keep at it, you will be able to put on a memorable show for your fans.

Masterclass by Natalie Landecker